Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Long time, no post!


Haven't posted in a while, nothing really new here. Been figuring out more of Shadow's food allergies-possibly sweet potatoes and pork on the list. Also, wondering if Lylia has chronic pancreatitis. She did have vomiting and diarrhea for a while, finally seems better and the bloodwork we had done didn't show much. Who knows. My neighbor said it best the other day.."Having dogs like those, allergies/health problems, is like having a full-time job." No joke, some days I'm so stressed and tired from constantly trying to think about what causes this, what did you eat yesterday, etc. etc. etc. Plus, I do all of their grooming (nails, ears, brushing, combing, baths, and anything else) atleast once a week. I make sure both get plenty of outside time, play time, attention, visits with neighbors, and train every day. I LOVE it, don't get me wrong..but it'll be nice when I actually get paid to do what I love, so I can continue providing the best care for them in this failed economy. Vet bills go through the roof very quickly.
On another note, re-training with Shadow is going well. He is very smart and listens well, so it's fairly easy. He's just a pup and still has bad ADD with a nose that gets him into a lot of trouble. Been playing fetch with him on longline still, as every time he is off-lead he still remembers the house where he found beef rib bones with meat and inhaled them while in the middle of a fetch lesson. Now, he runs after the ball, takes off to the house, and drops the ball over there while sniffing around for more food. @.@ Neighbors need to stop putting garbage in the back of their truck for the crows to pick and drop. Finally feels like spring today! Going to be a high of 51, so the pups and I will spend most of today outside! =)

Everyone, enjoy your days!

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